You know what the Russians are saying is that they have an historic relationship with - with Crimea, and they're saying the Crimean legislature has voted now to have a referendum, and they're saying what the government in Kiev did was illegal.
Judy WoodruffFor the past 21 years, I've been privileged to be part of an amazing organization called the International Women's Media Foundation.
Judy WoodruffVaclav Havel was the most amazing man in terms of being the combination of somebody with massive moral authority, great courage for having espoused the concepts of democracy, freedom throughout a very difficult communist period, a very modest man, and somebody with a fabulous sense of humor and the idea of being able to see the absurd in situations.
Judy WoodruffEvery president feels that he has gotten unfair, dishonest coverage from the news media.
Judy Woodruff