If people could only be taught that economy is a thing of littles and of individuals, and of every day, and not a thing of masses and of spasmodic efforts, then a true idea would begin to tell upon the habits of our domestic life, for the thrift and thriving of the individual is the thrift and thriving of the nation.
Julia McNair WrightI don't lose an hour in the morning and expect to make it up in the evening; night is the wrong end of the day to borrow from.
Julia McNair WrightReaching toward perfection in any one thing should lift us higher in all things; it should beget a habit of application and thoroughness.
Julia McNair WrightIf people could only be taught that economy is a thing of littles and of individuals, and of every day, and not a thing of masses and of spasmodic efforts, then a true idea would begin to tell upon the habits of our domestic life, for the thrift and thriving of the individual is the thrift and thriving of the nation.
Julia McNair Wright