Blake took a small roll from the tray on the table, then put it back in favor of a larger one. And maybe a little butter. It certainly couldn't hurt. And, he drew the line at jam. She was a spy, after all.
Julia QuinnRehearsels, actually." "Rehearsals?" "For the-" Oh,no. "-musicale." The Smythe-Smith musical.It finished off what the Crusades had begun.There wasn't a man alive who could maintain a romantic thought when faced with the memory-or the threat-of a Smythe-Smith musicale.
Julia QuinnI thought you wanted food," she gasped. "I do," he murmured, tugging on the bodice of her dress. "But I want you more.
Julia QuinnYou have a mother?" He quirked a brow. "Did you think mine was some sort of divine birth? My father was a remarkable man, but even he was not that talented.
Julia Quinn