We all only live once. So we are obligated to make good use of the time that we have and to do something that is meaningful and satisfying. This is something that I find meaningful and satisfying... I enjoy helping people who are vulnerable. And I enjoy crushing bastards.
Julian AssangeI had had a lot of experience in bringing the Internet to Australia, and I saw that knowledge in the hands of people achieves reform.
Julian AssangeHillary Clinton is the smooth central representation of all that, and 'all that' is more or less what is in power now in the United States. It's what we call the establishment or the DC consensus. One of the more significant Podesta emails that we released was about how the Obama cabinet was formed and how half the Obama cabinet was basically nominated by a representative from Citi Bank. This is quite amazing.
Julian AssangeEvery time we witness an act that we feel to be unjust and do not act, we become a party to injustice.
Julian AssangeThe most important publication of WikiLeaks is that it has published more than 10 million documents. The most important single collection of material we have published is the US diplomatic cable series. We started with 251,000 in 2011, but are up to 3 million now and have more coming.
Julian Assange