Rich men are neither better nor worse than all other humans. They contribute to greatness or mediocrity, strength of character or weakness in exactly the same proportion as persons in all other walks of life do.
Julius RosenwaldI can testify that it is nearly always easier to make $1,000,000 honestly than to dispose of it wisely.
Julius RosenwaldEarly in my business career I learned the folly of worrying about anything. I have always worked as hard as I could, but when a thing went wrong and could not be righted, I dismissed it from my mind.
Julius RosenwaldBenevolence today has become altogether too huge an undertaking to be conducted otherwise than on business lines.
Julius RosenwaldI have always believed that most large fortunes are made by men...who tumbled into a lucky opportunity. Hard work and attention to business are necessary, but they rarely result in achieving a large fortune. Do not be fooled into believing that because a man is rich, he is necessarily smart. There is ample proof to the contrary.
Julius Rosenwald