Many of the crisis problems which are considered disasters in the United States would only be normal, everyday living conditions in most of Asia.
K.P. YohannanIt is a lifelong choice to deliberately and habitually bring ourselves under God’s authority.
K.P. YohannanA tiny group of believers who have the gospel keep mumbling it over and over to themselves. Meanwhile, millions who have never heard it once fall into the flames of eternal hell without ever hearing the salvation story.
K.P. YohannanWe must pay a price to touch godliness through daily decision to die to self and embrace the cross.
K.P. YohannanThe most important factor in abandoning our thoughts is to look in the Bible and see what God says about a matter. Then we must determine to act on His Word rather than on our own thoughts or those the devil may whisper into our minds.
K.P. YohannanWe pretend with a spiritual life we don't live, a peace we don't experience and a holiness and commitment we don't possess. ... We will never make any progress in becoming more like Jesus unless we permit God to cut us open, search our hearts, try us, know our thoughts and then change us from the inside. Only then can we become real according to the Word of God.
K.P. Yohannan