It was all so clear now. Like everything had been lost in darkness, and then the sun came out. Some moments are like that.
Kami GarciaI want you here. I don't care if it's a hundred degrees and every blade of grass dies. Without you, none of that matters to me.
Kami GarciaAge-appropriate makeup? Who are you people? What makeup is age-appropriate for a seven-year-old?
Kami GarciaShe had the power to destroy. I had only seen the power to love. When you discovered both, who could figure out what to do with that?
Kami GarciaThe one broken window that permanently wouldn't roll up had destroyed her perfectly curled blond prom-hair, and by the time we got to the gym she looked like Marie Antoinette with bedhead.
Kami GarciaI watched for her hair to curl, the telltale Caster breeze. It didn't move. This wasn't Caster magic she was working. It was another kind altogether. She couldn't charm her way out from under Macon's watch. She would have to resort to older magic, stronger magic, the kind that had worked best on Macon from the time she first moved to Ravenwood. Plain old love.
Kami Garcia