Celebrate yourself. Follow your passions and eccentricities, because they are yours alone. You are unique! If everyone did that, I'm pretty sure there would be world peace.
Kandyse McClureAnything is possible - even the most far-fetched idea can come to being through a series of seemingly small decisions and actions.
Kandyse McClureI have to say, as a young woman of color, and this may sound controversial, in sci-fi, anything is possible. In sci-fi I can belong to the military. In sci-fi I can have an interracial love affair; I can be a revolutionary.
Kandyse McClureId love a werebear. But I guess you need that seductive element of danger. And though bears can be dangerous, when you say werebear it just sounds kind of cuddly. Probably has a rainbow on his belly.
Kandyse McClure