I'm Kan, the Louis Vouitton don / Bought my mom purse, now she Louis Vuitton mom / Still might throw on a little low arm they want me to stop go on gon / They don't want me to shop and me spending that hard / Oh My God is that a Black card / I turned around and replied why yes, but I prefer the term African American Express
Kanye WestI will spark a generation of thinkers who will question traditional thought until they find the absolute truth.
Kanye WestDeath is promised. So what do you do with your life? How do you make the most of it? How do you make your voice the loudest?
Kanye WestSociety has put up so many boundaries, so many limitations on whatโs right and wrong that itโs almost impossible to get a pure thought out. Itโs like a little kid, a little boy, looking at colors, and no one told him what colors are good, before somebody tells you you shouldnโt like pink because thatโs for girls, or youโd instantly become a gay two-year-old. Why would anyone pick blue over pink? Pink is obviously a better color. Everyoneโs born confident, and everythingโs taken away from you.
Kanye West