Tuatha De do not walk the human realm alone. Actually, they don't walk alone much anywhere. Only the occasional rogue Fae will do so." "Like yourself?" "Yes Most of my kind have no fondness for solitude. Those who walk alone are not to be trusted." "Really," she said dryly. "Except for me," he amended, with a faint, insouciant grin.
Karen Marie MoningLife is not black and white. The closes we ever get to either of those colors is wearing them.
Karen Marie MoningGet back on the bike and tell me where to go." "I'll tell you where to go," I muttered sourly, and he laughed.
Karen Marie MoningYes, I have loved, Ms. Lane, and although it's none of your business, I have lost. Many things.
Karen Marie MoningDying is overrated. Human sentimentality has twisted it into the ultimate act of love. Biggest load of bullshit in the world. Dying for someone isn't the hard thing. The man that dies escapes. Plain and simple. Game over. End of pain...Try living for someone. Through it all-good, bad, thick, thin, joy, suffering. That's the hard thing.
Karen Marie MoningI didn’t ask. Some things are better left unsaid. He looked at me and I shivered. I never get enough of him. Never will. He lives. I breathe. I want. Him. Always. Fire to my ice. Ice to my fever. Later we would go to bed, and when he rose over me, dark and vast and eternal, I’d know joy.
Karen Marie Moning