God the father, and even more often the devil himself, appears at times in the place of fate in the modern tragedy. Why is it thatthis has not induced any scholar to develop a theory of the diabolical genre?
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich SchlegelIt is individuality which is the original and eternal within man; personality doesn't matter so much. To pursue the education and development of this individuality as one's highest vocation would be a divine egoism.
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich SchlegelWhoever does not philosophize for the sake of philosophy, but rather uses philosophy as a means, is a sophist.
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich SchlegelA good preface must be the root and the square of the book at the same time.
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich SchlegelPhilosophy is the true home of irony, which might be defined as logical beauty: for wherever men are philosophizing in spoken or written dialogues, and provided they are not entirely systematic, irony ought to be produced and postulated; even the Stoics regarded urbanity as a virtue.
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel