I have played Blair Cramer for 20 years, I feel a personal investment in the success of 'One Life to Live.' I love the show, I'm a fan of the characters, and I have invested in the journey these fictional characters have traveled.
Kassie DePaivaSinging has always been a part of my life. I started at Opryland singing, and I realized I could make a living at it. I thought it was something I would grow out of. I didn't know what I was going to do with my life. Everything's just sorta fallen into place.
Kassie DePaivaOLTL' has now allowed me to sing through the character as Blair. If you've followed my 20-some-odd-year career, you know I am a singer.
Kassie DePaivaOn 'The Guiding Light' I enjoyed working with Jamie Goodwin and Ellen Parker, who played my sister. I loved working with Jerry Ver Dorn and Jay Hammer. I mean, there's some great fun people that I've really enjoyed.
Kassie DePaiva