Lord, I do not ask that Thou shouldst give me wealth; only show me where it is, and I will attend to the rest.
Kate Douglas WigginIt was not long after sunrise, and Stephen Waterman, fresh from his dip in the river, had scrambled up the hillside from the hut in the alder-bushes where he had made his morning toilet.
Kate Douglas WigginThere is a kind of magicness about going far away and then coming back all changed.
Kate Douglas WigginIf I haven't anything to write, I am just as anxious to 'take my pen in hand' as though I had a message to deliver, a cause to plead, or a problem to unfold. Nothing but writing rests me; only then do I seem completely myself!
Kate Douglas WigginTo make my diary a little different I am going to call it a Thought Book ... I have thoughts that I never can use unlesss I write them down, for Aunt Miranda always says, Keep your thoughts to yourself.
Kate Douglas WigginThere are some who possess the magic touch, the infectious spirit of enthusiasm; who have the same effect as a beautiful morning that never reaches noon. Under this spell one's mind is braced, one's spirit recreated; one is ready for any adventure, even if it only be the doing of the next distasteful task light-heartedly.
Kate Douglas Wiggin