I cherish my clothes and I remember what seasons they're from. But someone said to me as I was having trouble with styling a dress that I had bought, and he said to me: "Throw it on the floor." And I was like, "What? It's like a gown." He goes, "Throw it on the floor," and I did, and he's like that's how you need to wear everything. You wear clothes like you throw them on the floor.
Kate HudsonTough women who don't take sh*t are also put in positions that are really scary for them. It's important that they feel supported, but it's also important that we allow people to come to things on their own time. It's a very scary thing when you're a woman who's been assaulted or harassed to come forward. And it takes a lot of courage.
Kate HudsonI've had friends who've lied to me, I've had friends who've done things behind my back, I've had people steal from me - and it doesn't stop me from trusting.
Kate HudsonIn certain states there's a statute of limitation on women who have been raped. How do you do that to a woman? If they are hiding something for 10 years that they finally have the courage to come forward and talk about, how could you take that away from her? And that person should still be held accountable. There's so much about this that we should always be talking about. There are so many layers. And it happens every day, all the time.
Kate Hudson