I probably coughed self-pityingly in response, little aware that I was about to cross a tremendous threshold beyond which there would be no return, that in my hands I held an object whose simple appearance belied its profound power. All true readers have a book, a moment, like the one I describe, and when Mum offered me that much-read library copy mine was upon me.
Kate MortonBut in my humble opinion, a house needs a good party once in a while; remind folks it exists.
Kate MortonShe doesn't know I cry for the changing times. That just as I reread favourite books, some small part of me hoping for a different ending, I find myself hoping against hope that the war will never come. That this time, somehow, it will leave us be.
Kate MortonShe says there are stories everywhere and that people who wait for the right one to come along before setting pen to paper end up with very empty pages.
Kate Morton