When I began rapping, I only had one form at my disposal. All I had, all I needed was a rhyme verse; sixteen bar, thirty-two bar, whatever it was. If I had an idea it came out as a rhyme. When I challenged myself to think beyond that, my first thing other than a rhyme that I wrote was a play.
Kate TempestIt's actually a very liberating thing to have a creative community, which is something that we all kind of desperately search for and find in the ways that we can.
Kate TempestYou don't know how to get yourself out of that deep water until you're in the deep water.
Kate TempestWhen I began rapping, I only had one form at my disposal. All I had, all I needed was a rhyme verse; sixteen bar, thirty-two bar, whatever it was. If I had an idea it came out as a rhyme. When I challenged myself to think beyond that, my first thing other than a rhyme that I wrote was a play.
Kate Tempest