I think that writing and publishing are different. I think I will always write; I might not always publish. The idea of not publishing is wonderful!
Kate ZambrenoI think the online space can be a free space, in that we are not reliant online on the publishing industry or readers who just don't get it.
Kate ZambrenoI think the female first-person is still dismissed, demonized, especially if the book does not end on an empowering note, especially if the main character is perceived as unlikeable, or too privileged.
Kate ZambrenoPeople are depressed for many reasons, one of which I think is how we have been taught to react to trauma, to stress.
Kate ZambrenoIf one writes the rules then one can contradict oneself. It's all about rhetoric, about official narratives.
Kate ZambrenoI am curious to see what books will emerge from all this writing online that's the result of those who grew up pouring their feelings out on Livejournal or Tumblr - excessive, sometimes automatic, sometimes enraged, emotional, while also quite intellectual - or if formal books will emerge at all, if that's not the point of these unmediated raw spaces. I'm excited by the possibility.
Kate Zambreno