If you can frame climate change as an alternate religion, or as one more of those issues where the pointy-headed liberal atheist scientists are trying to discredit the Bible, then you've already got a ton of people on your side who are concerned about heresy, other religions, or teaching evolution in schools.
Katharine HayhoeI don't have to change the world all by myself, I just need to partner in the work God wants us to do.
Katharine HayhoeWe have to fix climate change with the people we have right now, and to a large extent with the perspectives we have right now as well.
Katharine HayhoeWe're not paying a real price for carbon. If we were, we wouldn't be using as much. We need to have the right perspective. It's not just about next quarter's financial return. It's about where we want to be in ten years.
Katharine HayhoeA person of faith who shares conservative values and who says very clearly that climate change is real - and here's why we have to care about it - I think that we "unicorns" do pose a threat to people who want to muddy the waters and keep others in the dark.
Katharine HayhoeMy faith tells me that God does want people to understand climate change and do something about it.
Katharine HayhoeHuge advances in clean energy technology are happening all the time. Solar and wind are booming. New ways to generate energy from our windows, the paint on our walls, and even our bike paths are being invented all the time. Technology is moving forward, but it needs to be moving forward faster.
Katharine Hayhoe