I adore Life. What do all the fools matter and all the stupidity. They do matter but somehow for me they cannot touch the body of Life. Life is marvellous. I want to be deeply rooted in it - to live - to expand - to breathe in it - to rejoice - to share it. To give and to be asked for Love.
Katherine Mansfieldthere does seem to me something sad in life. It is hard to say what it is. I don't mean the sorrow that we all know, like illness and poverty and death. No, it is something different. It is there, deep down, deep down, part of one, like one's breathing.
Katherine MansfieldCan one do nothing for the dead? And for a long time the answer had been - Nothing!
Katherine MansfieldI think of you often. Especially in the evenings, when I am on the balcony and itโs too dark to write or to do anything but wait for the stars. A time I love. One feels half disembodied, sitting like a shadow at the door of oneโs being while the dark tide rises. Then comes the moon, marvellously serene, and small stars, very merry for some reason of their own. It is so easy to forget, in a worldly life, to attend to these miracles.
Katherine Mansfield