I feel like I've been able to be my true self and discover what I can honestly bring to the table by working with other women.
Kathryn HahnIt's okay to be two things at once and a paradox. Everybody is. As humans for survival we like to label things in a split second. It is how we don't implode from anxiety.
Kathryn HahnI've learned just how much capacity for love a heart has. You can't believe it. I couldn't believe after having my first that I could ever love anything as much as him. And then when I had my daughter - your heart just expands. There's so much room in it. It's been a nuts, chaotic mess and I love it.
Kathryn HahnFree Agents' was an awesome experience. I never play the glam girl in anything, so that was a new experience. I would walk into one of my trailers and it would be like Spanx, a spray-tan gun, and chicken cutlets. I would have hair extensions. It was hilarious. Every day felt like I was turning into an awesome drag queen.
Kathryn Hahn