[Crisco] ain't just for frying. You ever get a sticky something stuck in your hair,like gum?...That's right, Crisco. Spread this on a baby's bottom, you won't even know what diaper rash is...shoot, I seen ladies rub it under they eyes and on they husband's scaly feet...Clean the goo from a price tag, take the squeak out a door hinge. Lights get cut off, stick a wick in it and burn it like a candle....And after all that, it'll still fry your chicken.
Kathryn StockettWhen you little, you only get asked two questions, whatโs your name and how old you is, so you better get em right.
Kathryn StockettI may not remember my name or what country I live in, but you and that pie is something I will never forget.
Kathryn Stockett