Women don't want equal treatment, they couldn't handle it if they got it. It's a tough world out there. What a lot of women are actually looking for is special treatment. What women need to realise is that they have to toughen up, we can't ask for equal pay, you have to be paid on performance and the results you deliver.
Katie HopkinsWould I employ you if you were obese? No I would not. You would give the wrong impression to the clients of my business. I need people to look energetic, professional and efficient. If you are obese you look lazy.
Katie HopkinsTo call yourself 'plus size' is just a euphemism for being fat. Life is much easier when you're thinner. Big is not beautiful, of course a job comes down to how you look.
Katie HopkinsGlaswegian ebola patient moved to London's Royal Free Hospital. Not so independent when it matters most are we jocksville?
Katie Hopkins