I read about writers' lives with the fascination of one slowing down to get a good look at an automobile accident.
Kaye GibbonsThat's all my grandfather was guilty of, fear, faith in his words, but that was a high crime in her eyes. That's all Jack was guilty of that day, but I've lived with him a good while and I believe I understand him. Sometimes it might take an afternoon or evening of being here in this kitchen alone, thinking, but I can usually come to see his reasons through his ways. And half the job of finding peace is finding understanding. Don't you believe it to be so?
Kaye GibbonsMothers smell blood before the wound is given. We see the rent place on the child's arm before the arrow strikes.
Kaye GibbonsHave you ever felt like you could cry because you know you just heard the most important thing anybody in the world could have spoke at that second?
Kaye GibbonsI could lay here and read all night. I am not able to fall asleep without reading. You have the time when your brain has nothing to do so it rambles. I fool my brain out of that by making it read until it shuts off. I just think it is best to do something right up until you fall asleep.
Kaye GibbonsI might be confused sometimes in my head but it is not something you need to talk about. Before you can talk you have to line it all up in order and I had rather just let it swirl around until I am too tired to think. You just let the motion in your head wear you out. Never think about it. You just make a bigger mess that way.
Kaye Gibbons