Instead of thinking about building up my image or building up my brand or building up my career, I've turned it and taken the approach of focusing on what I can give instead of what I can get. It's been a very enjoyable process for me. That's more of a heart position that I've taken. It's been one of the greatest things I've ever done.
Kelly ClarkI'm more comfortable with my beliefs and with who I am. I honestly don't think about it that much. I just try to live my life and I try to love people. I try to love God well and I try to love people well. Those are my main objectives.
Kelly ClarkSo after those Games, I continued to compete that season and the year after that. I really had the goal of being intentional. I didn't want to do big tricks because it was an X Games final or an Olympics final. I wanted to call my own shots. I started to do that and I started to have more fun than I ever knew I could have.
Kelly ClarkIt's funny. I competed against a 13-year old girl at the Winter X Games. I looked down at her birth date and it said 2000. I was like, "Huh, I wonder if she even knows what Y2K is?" But I guess I've just been able to build a foundation.
Kelly ClarkYou’ve got to fight for that connection with God all the time no matter what you're going through in life. I'm growing up. I'm maturing. But I definitely think that the backbone of this is the freedom and creativity I have without the fear of failing. If I fail, what's going to happen? Nothing. I'm not looking for my self-worth in the sport.
Kelly ClarkI'm not trying to snowboard for other people anymore. That just kind of comes with age and growing up. That's helped me a lot. Some of that started right after the last Olympics (in Vancouver).
Kelly ClarkRight before they named the (2014) team, I stepped back and I allowed myself to realize what I had accomplished. I got overwhelmed and the tears came pretty quickly. It's an honor to represent my country again and to represent my sport to the world and to hold it down for all those 30-year old athletes out there.
Kelly Clark