Women have only had the vote for less than 100 years. Before that, we were wives and essentially kind of property. We grew up, and our parents wanted us to get married, so somebody else could look after us. And in the last few decades, it's changed. We can now have families without men. But, unfortunately, the dialogue, the old boys club, the locker room talk, has mysteriously not changed at all.
Kelly OxfordI wasn’t old enough to realize that I could be my terrible self and have people love me for that.
Kelly OxfordI find a lot of people struggling in their lives because they feel like it was expected they do a certain thing or act a certain way and not follow what their gut is telling them to do.
Kelly OxfordCanadians always make jokes about the arrogant American, but the longer I'm here, the more I realize, "Oh, it isn't that they're arrogant, it's just the way that their country is set up you really have to protect yourself and you really have to look after yourself, and with that comes the mentality of 'I'm doing my thing here, if you don't like it, get over it.'"
Kelly OxfordIt's terrifying to think about all things that were awful for you. But for me, sharing all of them was so satisfying, because people read them and get to go, "Oh, okay, I don't have to feel so shitty about that," or maybe even, "Why was I feeling so shitty about that? I should own that and learn from that." Those are the sorts of stories I want to tell.
Kelly OxfordAs a writer, I could write in Canada and still get the American benefits. But I wanted to come down here for the good weather and for the parties, I want to be social too. Being in LA is really great for that, for just running out and grabbing coffee with another writer. I couldn't do that in Canada. I love Los Angeles, and I love New York too; I just couldn't raise three kids there.
Kelly Oxford