It's part of the strategy to remind people who Hillary Rodham Clinton actually is. If others aren't going to hold her account for her full record, then, yes, we will. And her record includes naming and blaming women who came in contact with her husband, whether it was consensual relationships like Monica Lewinsky, an intern at the White House with him as President, completely debasing the office of the White House - the office of The Presidency - or Jennifer Flowers, 12-year affair while he was Governor of Arkansas.
Kellyanne ConwayWhat's a major concern that people, major grievance Americans lodge? It's, we don't make anything in America anymore.
Kellyanne ConwayYou are going to hear how he [Donald Trump] is going to address the 11 million, and some other issues as well, including sanctuary cities.
Kellyanne ConwayWe flipped over 200 counties that President [Barack] Obama won and Donald Trump just won, you [Jennifer Palmieri] think that's because of what you just said or because people aren't ready for a woman president?
Kellyanne ConwayHillary Clinton`s unfavorable ratings at an all-time high at 60 percent. That Donald Trump is trusted more than she by the American voter. There`s a very important attribute that goes to empathy and compassion in connective tissue with voters. The question of who cares more about people like you? That`s a measurement that President Barack Obama beat Governor Mitt Romney on, like, 82 to 15. Clinton and Trump were tied on that. That`s a remarkable figure when you think about how Democrats normally have an advantage in that way.
Kellyanne Conway