Donald Trump has addressed many times that his main concern is making sure that we have a system in place that we completely lack now, which is, those countries that tend to train and export and harbor terrorists where we do not have proper vetting are places where we're going to need to have better vetting. And he's made that very clear.
Kellyanne ConwayDonald Trump's message is that we in the USA, if we're going to have a country, it would be nice too know who is here and why they're here.
Kellyanne ConwayHillary Clinton`s unfavorable ratings at an all-time high at 60 percent. That Donald Trump is trusted more than she by the American voter. There`s a very important attribute that goes to empathy and compassion in connective tissue with voters. The question of who cares more about people like you? That`s a measurement that President Barack Obama beat Governor Mitt Romney on, like, 82 to 15. Clinton and Trump were tied on that. That`s a remarkable figure when you think about how Democrats normally have an advantage in that way.
Kellyanne ConwayIt's nice to say or it's great to ask, are we limiting opportunities for women? But do we even have each other's support, frankly, on our way there?
Kellyanne Conway