I think his [Donald's Trump] objection would be to biased and unfair, which is not the way he characterize "Fox News" to me, anyway. But we're all looking for objective coverage.
Kellyanne ConwayI believe that Donald Trump is someone who is not fully understood for how compassionate and what a great boss he is to women.
Kellyanne ConwayI work very closely with Steve Bannon. Frankly, people should look at the full resume. He`s got a Harvard Business degree, a naval officer. He has success in entertainment. I don`t know if you`re aware of that. And he certainly was a Goldman Sachs manager and partner. Brilliant tactician.
Kellyanne ConwayI want to talk about things that are quantifiable, not a bunch of metro riders and crowd sizes.
Kellyanne ConwayWe will hear more details on [Donald] Trump`s plans on addressing illegal immigration in the speech tonight, including what Trump plans to do about those 11 million illegal immigrants already in the U.S.
Kellyanne ConwayDonald Trump has addressed many times that his main concern is making sure that we have a system in place that we completely lack now, which is, those countries that tend to train and export and harbor terrorists where we do not have proper vetting are places where we're going to need to have better vetting. And he's made that very clear.
Kellyanne Conway