You have a lot of unfinished business, but obviously every president who leaves, particularly after two terms, can point to many different areas where there has been progress and there has been change.
Kellyanne ConwayDonald Trump will do what he is told is the right thing to do in complying with the law.
Kellyanne ConwayI think people are looking for an alternative because in addition to there being sort of a myopic, lemming - like ants on a sugar cube mentality on this DNS attack story by many in the media, there's just this culture of sameness. Everybody sounds the same.
Kellyanne ConwayDonald Trump among wishy-washy people, who decide one day they want him, and they want his endorsement, they support him, and the next day they don't. It's much better for him to take the message directly to the people.
Kellyanne Conway