Donald Trump's message is that we in the USA, if we're going to have a country, it would be nice too know who is here and why they're here.
Kellyanne ConwayThe highest ranking woman in the Congress, Cathy McMorris Rodgers who has given birth three times while she's been in Congress. That's pretty impressive.
Kellyanne ConwayWhat President Trump is doing is, he wants to get rid of that Obamacare penalty almost immediately, because that is something that is really strangling a lot of Americans to have to pay a penalty for not buying.
Kellyanne ConwayI've all venture a guess as we saw a lot of those executives going in for the viewers, we saw a bunch of Fox News executives going in there. We saw Jeff Zucker president of CNN standing there, just in case you don't know those faces. So there was all of muckety-mucks from all of the media, cable, broadcast, you name it.What is fairness to [Donald] Trump? With President-elect Trump?
Kellyanne Conway