Most of the strength and the leadership skills and the decisiveness, the resoluteness that I think America was craving from Donald Trump, from a leader, is the same in public as it is in private.
Kellyanne ConwayWhat President Trump is doing is, he wants to get rid of that Obamacare penalty almost immediately, because that is something that is really strangling a lot of Americans to have to pay a penalty for not buying.
Kellyanne ConwayI do think that there`s very little coverage of a lot of the people on Hillary Clinton`s side that aren`t - well, let`s just start with Hillary Clinton, herself who lies for a living.
Kellyanne ConwayWhen I was discussing my role with other senior campaign folks, they would say, "I know you have four kids, but..." I said, "There's nothing that comes after the 'but' that makes any sense to me, so don't even try." Like, what is the "but"? But they'll eat Cheerios for the rest of life? Like, nobody will brush their teeth again until I get home? I mean, it just - what is the "but"? And I do politely mention to them that the question isn't, would you take the job? The male sitting across from me who's going to take a big job in the White House.
Kellyanne Conway