I find it funny because people complain about Brooklyn becoming too hip, but would they prefer stock brokers or gunfights or something?
Kemp MuhlI don't like when things don't match. I love some Eighties fashion, like Grace Jones but primary colours only work in certain situations.
Kemp MuhlIt takes a real man to wear silk! There aren't a lot of manly men in rock and roll because it's all about cross-dressing to a degree. You have to be kind of sensitive to be in rock and roll.
Kemp MuhlMy theory is that the only people who hate hipsters are hipsters. Where I come from my friends and family don't even know what they are. The only people that talk about hipsters are hipsters.
Kemp MuhlI don't like it when people ask me what my favourite Beatles song is. I always get that. First of all, I don't like having to pick a favourite thing anyway. You can't pick a favourite Beatles song! What about "Strawberry Fields"? What about "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"? What about "Tomorrow Never Knows"? Come on. That question is small minded to think you could even have a favourite Beatles song.
Kemp Muhl