It's essential that we learn how to defend the Bible and the Christian faith for our sake and our children's. If we don't, the empty and obsolete churches in England will foreshadow the future in America.
Ken HamIf there was not one man Adam and one woman Eve, and a literal event of the one man Adam taking the fruit in rebellion and thus bringing sin and death into world, then one may as well throw the rest of the Bible away.
Ken HamIt's time for a new Reformation in the Church--to call the Church back to the authority of the Word of God, beginning in Genesis.
Ken HamChristians must understand the nature of the change that has occurred in our culture. No longer do the secularists just mock Christians from afar. They are now actively campaigning to indoctrinate children in an anti-God philosophy--to teach them to be secularists and atheists.
Ken Ham