But the more I read... after awhile... I begin to find they were all writing about the same thing, this same dull old here-today-gone-tomorrow scene... Shakespeare, Milton, Matthew Arnold, even Baudelaire, even this cat whoever he was that wrote Beowulf... the same scene for the same reasons and to the same end, whether it was Dante with his pit or Baudelaire with his pot... the same dull old scene...
Ken KeseyThe best of all possible cages.' Ben stepped back to regard the job with a sad smile. 'What more can one ask?
Ken KeseyMe and Norman Mailer have talked about how hard it is in America to get better. Especially at writing.
Ken KeseyBut, gee," the other nurse says, "what on earth would MAKE a man want to do something like disrupt the ward for, Miss Ratched? What possible motive...?""You seem to forget, MISS Flinn, that this is an institution for the insane.
Ken Kesey