To be in a beast of a musical (I mean it's huge!) gave me a sense of I don't want to say "a sense of confidence" because you already have a sense of that to get out on stage. But I think I just have a better sense of myself. It was a learning process, I really had to conquer a lot of fears and my own little struggles. I feel a little self-empowered, like "bring it on!" Bring on the next thing because if I can conquer this, I can conquer that.
Kendra KassebaumFirst of all, it's a blast. Just fun; it's a good environment to play. And Jayne and I have a great time together because we're somewhat familiar with each other; that's a fun and comfortable place to start at when building our relationship. Everyone's incredible and they're good at what they do.
Kendra KassebaumEach situation is different... Each situation, I'm a different person I guess. He's present; the actors are present; and you just work in that moment, trying to flush it out. We have history from Assassins and Wicked, but it's always new beginnings between us. You start off fresh and that's what I like and respect about him.
Kendra KassebaumI'm finding none. It's the same thing! It's about rhythms and beats and what connects to what. It's the same; the song has to connect to the story to get from this point to that point. So even though there may not be music in the show there is. You have to follow this delicate score. I don't think there's a huge difference. But, I don't have sore muscles! I'm not sore from dancing all day!
Kendra KassebaumIf I'm not mistaken, I believe it was written beforehand. And it just happened in rehearsals Basically giving each person their vocal-line and I ended up getting that line! I'm so grateful I did because it was really special to sing that and you feel something when you sing it it's a very distinct piece that fits perfectly in the production.
Kendra KassebaumTo be in a beast of a musical (I mean it's huge!) gave me a sense of I don't want to say "a sense of confidence" because you already have a sense of that to get out on stage. But I think I just have a better sense of myself. It was a learning process, I really had to conquer a lot of fears and my own little struggles. I feel a little self-empowered, like "bring it on!" Bring on the next thing because if I can conquer this, I can conquer that.
Kendra Kassebaum