The tourist business is a trap, it is a tained honey; Man clearly should have stayed in bed, and not invented money.
Kenneth E. BouldingBecause of his capacity for abstract communications and language and his ability to enter in imagination into the lives of others, man is able to build organizations of a size and complexity far beyond those of the lower animals.
Kenneth E. BouldingDeciding under uncertainty is bad enough, but deciding under an illusion of certainty is catastrophic.
Kenneth E. Boulding[The integrative system] deals with such matters as respect, legitimacy, community, friendship, affection, love, and of course their opposites, across a broad scale of human relationships and interactions.
Kenneth E. BouldingConsumption is the death of capital, and the only valid arguments in favor of consumption are arguments in favor of death itself.
Kenneth E. BouldingThe thing that distinguishes social systems from physical or even biological systems is their incomparable (and embarrassing) richness in special cases. Generalizations in the social sciences are mere pathways which lead through a riotous forest of individual trees, each a species unto itself. The social scientist who loses this sense of the essential individuality and uniqueness of each case is all too likely to make a solemn scientific ass of himself, especially if he thinks that his faceless generalizations are the equivalents of the rich vareity of the world.
Kenneth E. Boulding