As far as many statistical series that are related to activities of mankind are concerned, the date that divides human history into two equal parts is well within living memory. The world of today is as different from the world I was born in as that world was from Julius Caesar s. I was born in the middle of human history, to date, roughly. Almost as much has happened since I was born as happened before.
Kenneth E. Boulding[The historical] development in the international system may almost be defined as the process by which we pass from stable war to stable peace.
Kenneth E. BouldingConsumption is the death of capital, and the only valid arguments in favor of consumption are arguments in favor of death itself.
Kenneth E. BouldingPhysicists can only talk to other physicists and economists to economists... sociologists often cannot even understand each other.
Kenneth E. BouldingThe evolutionary vision is agnostic in regard to systems in the universe of greater complexity than those of which human beings have clear knowledge. It recognizes aesthetic, moral, and religious ideas and experiences as a species, in this case of mental structures or of images, which clearly interacts with other species in the world's great' ecosystem.
Kenneth E. Boulding[The notion of equilibrium] is a notion which can be employed usefully in varying degrees of looseness. It is an absolutely indispensable part of the toolbag of the economist and one which he can often contribute usefully to other sciences which are occasionally apt to get lost in the trackless exfoliations of purely dynamic systems.
Kenneth E. Boulding