There he got out the luncheon-basket and packed a simple meal, in which, remembering the stranger's origin and preferences, he took care to include a yard of long French bread, a sausage out of which the garlic sang, some cheese which lay down and cried, and a long-necked straw-covered flask wherein lay bottled sunshine shed and garnered on far Southern slopes.
Kenneth GrahameIndependence is all very well, but we animals never allow our friends to make fools of themselves beyond a certain limit; and that limit you've reached
Kenneth GrahameThere is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.
Kenneth GrahameThe Rat, meanwhile, was busy examining the label on one of the beer-bottles. "I perceive this to be Old Burton," he remarked approvingly. "Sensible Mole! The very thing! Now we shall be able to mull some ale. Get the things ready, Mole, while I draw the corks."
Kenneth GrahameThere seemed to be no end to this wood, and no beginning, and no difference in it, and, worse of all, no way out
Kenneth Grahame