Any suggestion that science and religion are incompatible flies in the face of history, logic, and common sense.
Kenneth R. MillerWhether conservative or liberal, fundamentalist or agnostic, the more students learn of biology, the more they accept evolution.
Kenneth R. MillerThe scientific argument advanced for intelligent design at the Dover trial, those arguments collapsed, scientifically and intellectually
Kenneth R. MillerWe know from astronomy that the universe had a beginning, from physics that the future is both open and unpredictable, from geology and paleontology that the whole of life has been a process of change and transformation. From biology we know that our tissues are not impenetrable reservoirs of vital magic, but a stunning matrix of complex wonders, ultimately explicable in terms of biochemistry and molecular biology. With such knowledge we can see, perhaps for the first time, why a Creator would have allowed our species to be fashioned by the process of evolution.
Kenneth R. Miller