So go marry someone, provided you're equally yoked and you actually like being with each other. Go get a job, provided it's not wicked. Go live somewhere in something with somebody or nobody. But put aside the passivity and the quest for complete fulfillment and the perfectionism and the preoccupation with the future, and for God's sake start making some decisions in your life. Don't wait for the liver-shiver. If you are seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, you will be in God's will, so just go out and do something.
Kevin DeYoungPerhaps out inactivity is not so much waiting on God as it is an expression of the fear of man, the love of the praise of man, and disbelief in God's providence.
Kevin DeYoung...,the will of God for your life is pretty straightforward: Be holy like Jesus, by the power of the Spirit, for the glory of God.
Kevin DeYoungIn the world of perpetual outrage, people cannot see the difference between deflated footballs, a dead lion, and dismembered babies.
Kevin DeYoungFor Jesus, Scripture is powerful, decisive, and authoritative because it is nothing less than the voice of God.
Kevin DeYoung