Here's good news: God is even more committed to your change, your growth, and your transformation than you are.
Kevin DeYoungWe may have the best of intentions in trying to discern God's will, but we should really stop putting ourselves through the misery of overspiritualizing every decision. Our misdirected piety makes following God more mysterious than it was meant to be
Kevin DeYoungGod did not send a concept, an idea, or a virtue. He sent his Son. Follow the God of love, not love as your god.
Kevin DeYoungThe richest treasure God has for you are the people in your life. Give thanks and don't take them for granted.
Kevin DeYoungEverything before Jesus is preface. Everything after Jesus is appendix. Jesus is the story.
Kevin DeYoungOne of the signs that you are walking in the light is that you are honest about having walked in the darkness.
Kevin DeYoungThe goal of a church is not to have a bigger building or budget but to see the word of God increase and disciples multiply
Kevin DeYoungPerhaps out inactivity is not so much waiting on God as it is an expression of the fear of man, the love of the praise of man, and disbelief in God's providence.
Kevin DeYoungDon't try so hard to be hip. When the Church finds out what is cool, it is not cool anymore.
Kevin DeYoungThe Bible tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Surely part of loving in this way is trying to understand what another person wants us to understand. I may not understand perfectly and I may not agree, but if I love you I should try to know what it is you wish I could know.
Kevin DeYoungOur first love is Jesus. Holiness is not ultimately about living up to a moral standard. It's about living in Christ and living out of our real, vital union with him.
Kevin DeYoungIf there really is a perfect will of God we are meant to discover, in which we will find tremendous freedom and fulfillment, why does it seem that everyone looking for God's will is in such bondage and confusion?
Kevin DeYoungIf you make the goal of your life just to stay alive, you'll fail. If you make the goal of your life the kingdom, you cannot lose.
Kevin DeYoungWe are not called to bring a broken planet back to its created glory. But we are to call broken people back to their creator.
Kevin DeYoungFlattery is saying something nice in order to help yourself. Encouragement is saying something true in order help someone else.
Kevin DeYoungBefore my secret meeting with the Pope I asked him to come wearing white if deep down he agreed with the Reformation. Pretty crazy.
Kevin DeYoungThe only chains God wants us to wear are the chains of righteousness--not the chains of hopeless subjectivism, not the shackles of risk-free living, not the fetters of horoscope decision making--just the chains befitting a bond servant of Christ Jesus. Die to self. Live for Christ. And then do what you want, and go where you want, for God's glory.
Kevin DeYoungWhy should we think that we wouldn't have a cross to carry? Are we somehow more deserving than our Lord?
Kevin DeYoungThe reason for your entire salvation, the design behind your deliverance, the purpose for which God chose you in the first place is holiness.
Kevin DeYoungGod does have a specific plan for our lives, but it is not one that He expects us to figure out before we make a decision.
Kevin DeYoungThe goal of revelation is not information only, but affection, worship, and obedience. Christ in us will be realized only as we drink deeply of the Bible, which is God's word outside of us
Kevin DeYoungThe best way to leave a legacy is to believe, teach, defend, and promote what is true.
Kevin DeYoungYou can think too highly of your interpretations of Scripture, but you cannot think too highly of Scriptures interpretation of itself. You can exaggerate your authority in handling the Scriptures, but you cannot exaggerate the Scriptures authority to handle you. You can use the word of God to come to wrong conclusions, but you cannot find any wrong conclusions in the word of God.
Kevin DeYoungIf you think God has promised this world will be a five-star hotel, you will be miserable as you live through the normal struggles of life. But if you remember that God promised we would be pilgrims and this world may feel more like a desert or even a prison, you might find your life surprisingly happy.
Kevin DeYoungGod is not a magic eight ball we shake up and peer into whenever we have a decision to make. He is a good God who gives us brains, shows us the way of obedience, and invites us to take risks for him.
Kevin DeYoungAny gospel which says only what you must do and never announces what Christ has done is no gospel at all.
Kevin DeYoungThere is nothing gray about whether a follower of Christ should see 50 Shades of Grey. This is a black and white issue. Donโt go. Donโt watch it. Donโt read it. Donโt rent it.
Kevin DeYoungThe man who attempts Christianity without the church shoots himself in the foot, shoots his children in the leg, and shoots his grandchildren in the heart.
Kevin DeYoungScripture is profitable for training in righteousness. No one succeeds at the highest level in sports without working out. No one makes it in music without lots of practice. No one excels in scholarship without years of study. And no one makes it far in the school of holiness without hours and days and years in the word. You and I simply will not mature as quickly, minister as effectively, or live as gloriously without immersing ourselves in the Scriptures. We need the Bible if we are to be competent Christians.
Kevin DeYoungDon't follow those who can talk a big game about their amazing faith in Christ. Follow people who are actually following Christ.
Kevin DeYoungThere is no sin so prevalent, so insidious, and so deep as the sin of fearing people more than we fear God.
Kevin DeYoungPerhaps God brought you into this mess so that he can bring you out of it for his glory.
Kevin DeYoungTo build your house on the rock is to hear what Jesus says and obey. To be foolish and build your house on the sand is to hear and ignore.
Kevin DeYoungYou'll never be a mature Christian until you understand that God remembers his promises and forgets your sins.
Kevin DeYoungI try to keep in my mind the simple question: Am I trying to do good or make myself look good? Too many of our responsibilities get added to our plate when we are trying to please people, impress people, prove ourselves, acquire power, increase our prestige. All those motivations are about looking good more than doing good.
Kevin DeYoungSome Christians need encouragement to think before they act. Others need encouragement to act after they think.
Kevin DeYoungGrace does not lead us to overlook obedience. Grace compels and empowers us for obedience.
Kevin DeYoung