Sincere biblical repentance is as much a work of grace as not sinning in the first place. To err is human, to make progress is divine.
Kevin DeYoungAs the culture war rages on, Lord give us wisdom to see the difference between defending our rights and protesting our slights.
Kevin DeYoungDie to self. Live for Christ. And then do what you want, and go where you want, for God's glory.
Kevin DeYoungThe world needs to see Christians burning, not with self-righteous fury at the sliding morals in our country, but with passion for God.
Kevin DeYoungSeek first the kingdom of God, and then trust that He will take care of our needs, even before we know what they are and where we're going.
Kevin DeYoungNo matter how long we have been walking with Jesus, we need to hear again, do not love the world.
Kevin DeYoungFor Jesus, Scripture is powerful, decisive, and authoritative because it is nothing less than the voice of God.
Kevin DeYoungSanctification will be drudgery unless we believe that holiness is possible and that it is pleasing to God.
Kevin DeYoungYour love should be so far reaching, earnest, biblical, Christ-centered, pure, and self-sacrificing that the world may hate you for it.
Kevin DeYoungGod knows everything. So why not run to him and tell him all the things that he already knows?
Kevin DeYoungChristians often equate holiness with activism and spiritual disciplines. And while it's true that activism is often the outgrowth of holiness and spiritual disciplines are necessary for the cultivation of holiness, the pattern of piety in the Scripture is more explicitly about our character. We put off sin and put on righteousness. We put to death the deeds of the flesh and put on Christ. To use the older language, we pursue mortification of the old man and the vivification of the new.
Kevin DeYoungThe people on this planet who end up doing nothing are those who never realized they couldn't do everything.
Kevin DeYoungPlain horse sense ought to tell us that anything that makes no change in the man who professes it makes no difference to God either, and it is an easily observable fact that for countless numbers of persons the change from no-faith to faith makes no actual difference in the life.
Kevin DeYoungItโs all too easy to turn the fight of faith into sanctification-by-checklist. Take care of a few bad habits, develop a couple good ones, and youโre set. But a moral checklist doesnโt take into consideration the idols of the hearts. It may not even have the gospel as part of the equation. And inevitably, checklist spirituality is highly selective. So you end up feeling successful at sanctification because you stayed away from drugs, lost weight, served at the soup kitchen, and renounced Styrofoam. But youโve ignored gentleness, humility, joy, and sexual purity.
Kevin DeYoungIf you find yourself mistreated, misunderstood, and mocked as a Christian, take heart, for so they did to the Christ.
Kevin DeYoungFaith is more than getting a theological quiz right. Faith is to know, to assent, to put your trust in, and to cherish what is true.
Kevin DeYoungObsessing over the future is not how God wants us to live, because showing us the future is not God's way.
Kevin DeYoungChristianity loses its scriptural fidelity and internal power when it no longer affirms both sola fide and the necessity of obedience.
Kevin DeYoungThe one indispensable requirement for producing godly, mature Christians is godly, mature Christians.
Kevin DeYoungTolerance is a relatively weak virtue; we're called to so much more than that in the body of Christ.
Kevin DeYoungMy fear is that of all the choices people face today, the one they rarely consider is, "How can I serve most effectively and fruitfully in the local church?" I wonder if the abundance of opportunities to explore today is doing less to help make well-rounded disciples of Christ and more to help Christians avoid long term responsibility and have less long-term impact.
Kevin DeYoungThe next time someone tells you, "The Church is full of a bunch of hypocrites." You can respond, "You don't even know the half of it."
Kevin DeYoungIt's true that every road leads to God. But only one way leads to a pleasant encounter with Him.
Kevin DeYoungOn the last day, God will not acquit us because our good works were good enough, but he will look for evidence that our good confession was not phony. Itโs in this sense that we must be holy.
Kevin DeYoungThe secret of the gospel is that we actually do more when we hear less about all we need to do for God and hear more about all that God has already done for us.
Kevin DeYoungIf the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, then growing in our knowledge of God is always practical.
Kevin DeYoungAll paths lead to God, but only one path will present you before God without fault and with great joy. Pick a path, any pathโit will take you to God. Trust me: you will stand before Him one day. You will meet your Maker. You will see the face of Christ. There are many ways up the mountain, but only one will result in life instead of destruction.
Kevin DeYoungGod's wrath was not just withdrawn. It was spent. Full atonement can it be? Hallelujah, what a Savior!
Kevin DeYoungMuch of the impotence of American churches is tied to a profound ignorance and apathy about justification. Our people live in a fog of guilt. Or just as bad, they think being a better person is all God requires.
Kevin DeYoung