You're more likely to vote Democratic if you hate Republicans than if you love Democrats, and vice versa.
Kevin DrumIn other words, in the same way that mass incarceration surged because of a real thing, it's finally starting to ebb because of a real thing: the actual, concrete decline in violent crime that started in the early 90s and which appears to be permanent. America is simply a safer place than it used to be, and looks set to stay that way.
Kevin DrumApparently the Republican base got radicalized first, and Democrats picked up the ball later. Or something.
Kevin DrumMy fear is that having been promised a revolution, Bernie Sanders supporters will become disgusted and cynical when Hillary Clinton and the establishment win yet again and the revolution doesn't happen.
Kevin DrumYou have to buy off interest groups, compromise your ideals, and settle for half loaves...
Kevin DrumThe reporting is fake. Look, look...You know what it is? Here's the thing. The public isn't - you know, they read newspapers, they see television, they watch. They don't know if it's true or false because they're not involved.But I'm involved. So I know when you're telling the truth or when you're not. I just see many, many untruthful things.
Kevin Drum