I was never a cardholder. But I was leftist in the sense that I voted communist.
I am prolific. Any rubbish I write gets published, so books keep churning out.
Nature provides that a man who slaves all day should spend the hours of the night in a palace full of houris whereas a king who wields the sceptre by day should have his sleep disturbed by nightmares of rebellion and assassination.
I am alone, but never lonely. You have always books around you.
Friends meddle with my plan of work. I resent people dropping in for a chat.
That's Delhi. When life gets too much for you all you need to do is to spend an hour at Nigambodh Ghat,watch the dead being put to flames and hear their kin wail for them. Then come home and down a couple of pegs of whisky. In Delhi, death and drink make life worth living.