My grandmother taught me, you believe in a politician, you get out there and work for them. So, that`s what I`ve been doing.
Killer MikeSaying I want to pay women a fair wage is doing something and saying young black people deserve not to be called super predators but to be engaged from an economic standpoint that gives them an equal opportunity says doing something.I`m tired of talking.
Killer MikeI would say is that kids know about Bernie Sanders and they`re off the radar.In the same way kids knew about Twitter before their parents did.
Killer MikeI'm just seeing as I grow older, and hopefully wiser, that a lot of things I see from a race perspective are class problems too, so I should be advocating for all.
Killer MikeNinety-eight percent of blacks voted for President Obama. That means these people are tied to that political party in a way that's different from other groups of people. Certain rappers always want to represent the Democratic side because they know that's safe and that's what represents their community. I tend to just do what I feel is right by all people.
Killer Mike