"I would be prosecuted and imprisoned if I did what you did." Again, different strokes for the Clintons, look what happened they get a pass, they get to collect all the paychecks and get all the glory, and get the cash while the rest of the people are suffering or dying in Benghazi.
Kimberly GuilfoyleIf somebody writes something and it's true, you're not gonna be able to prevail and get damages, hear it.
Kimberly GuilfoyleWhat I do see is the right from the beginning that [Donald] Trump had an interest and was very persuasive in terms of talking about the veterans and needing to make changes there.
Kimberly GuilfoyleYou listen to the intelligence community, they say, listen, maybe it's ISIS today, it's somebody else tomorrow. We'll deal with the caliphate, but it's going to take years to be able to handle this.
Kimberly Guilfoyle[Harvey] Weinstein appointed himself as the arbiter of your family safety. When was the last time his life was in danger, probably choking on a veal chop. He doesn't need a gun because he has security. He travels in rarified air. His feet never touch the street - feet, mind you, that he can't see because he's a corpulent cretin.
Kimberly Guilfoyle