Green makes me think of silence, or maybe it's loneliness. I get the feeling of a terribly distant star.
Kobo AbeYet there seemed to be some truth in the law of probability, according to which the chance of success is directly proportionate to the number of repetitions.
Kobo AbeSome people, when they're called before the police, like nothing better than to spill everything, fact and fiction alike, hoping to create a good impression.
Kobo AbeA tower of illusion, all of it, made of illusory bricks and full of holes. If life were made up only of imporant things, it really would be a dangerous house of glass, scarcely to be handled carelessly. But everyday life was exactly like the headlines. And so everybody, knowing the meaninglessness of existence, sets the centre of his compass at his own home.
Kobo Abe