A hush of expectancy descended in the chamber as all waited to hear the request. What treasure could he want? Laren inventoried in her mind all the precious trappings of the castle she could think of -jewels, weapons, art-and she saw that the others must be doing the same. What did the Sacoridians possess that would be good enough for the Eletian prince? "My brother," Graelalea said, "requires many pounds of dark chocolate fudge and Dragon Droppings. We must visit the Master of Chocolate.
Kristen BritainNot all is certainty in our world, Karigan. If it were there'd be no opportunity for faith; and then it would be a very dull existence.
Kristen BritainEvery moment of life mattered. Even the perfect snowflake that alighted on his palm and melted in seconds.
Kristen Britain