I have little space from the suffering of elephants right now. I wake up with it and go to sleep with it. The plight of animals in shelters, of kids used for labor for the metals in our electronics and endless other things, the fate of our water supply to dye our blue jeans and water our lawns, the sad painful life of conventionally raised meat...For me, I am working to not contribute to this. I really don't want to hurt others for my benefit.
Kristin Bauer van StratenAfrica is being raped mainly by Asia, but the second largest market for dead endangered animals is the US. Most don't know this is happening. I didn't, but once I found out, I had to try and help.
Kristin Bauer van StratenI have more things going on right now than I can actually do without the invention of a cloning device. It is great!
Kristin Bauer van StratenI've had my share, less than so many though, but enough to feel empathy. It's tough and I see it so much on Earth, too much suffering. The loss of free will I find unacceptable - what most of us refer to as rights.
Kristin Bauer van StratenI am either blessed or cursed with having little barrier between feeling emotions and displaying them for all to see. My heart is on my sleeve. It's not comfortable but...I am an artist so it's useful and my friends are used to me getting teary at any moment. So, it just runs through me and I know it will continue to, but my best source of grounding are animals and nature. Animals live more in the moment and don't worry so much! And nature is proof of a greater power than myself. Both put things in perspective, or at least gently move us forward.
Kristin Bauer van Straten