Well, none of it would ever end if she was too afraid for it to begin.
As she left the room, Po went to Katsa, pulled her up, sat himself in her chair, and drew her into his lap. Shushing her, he rocked her, the two of them holding on to each other as if it were the only thing keeping the world from bursting apart.
When you're a monster, you are thanked and praised for not being a monster.
Would you please do me the honor of telling me WHAT THE BLAZES IS GOING ON?
It's hard to wake from a nightmare when the nightmare is real.
I was doing science," Giddon said. "He threw a bean." "I was testing the impact of a bean upon water," Bann said. "That's not even a real thing." "Perhaps I'll test the impact of a bean upon your beautiful white shirt.